Thursday, March 2, 2017

Global Digital Citizenship

Class 123 is a user-friendly application for teachers, students, and parents. This app allows for the teacher to communicate easily with their students and the parents of their students, track behavior, and it is equipped with many other useful tools to use within the classroom. Since this application is so easy to use it would be appropriate to use in any classroom that has technology easily available. In order for this app to be used to its fullest potential students and parents would also need to have access to technology outside of the classroom. An environment where technology is accessible to all users would allow for the most successful use of this application because it would provide equitable access to everyone, which is a key part of global digital citizenship. Using this app appropriately within the classroom would also require the teacher to teach the student’s proper netiquette and how to be safe when using the Internet.

The learning environment where the application, Class 123, would not be appropriate would be a classroom without access to technology. In order for this app to be appropriate not only would their have to be computers within the classroom itself, but students and parents would also need to have easy accessibility to technology outside of schools. Without providing this equal accessibility to all students and parents this app would not be as useful because one of its greatest features is providing easy communication between the teacher and his/her class. Another environment where this app would be inappropriate would be if the students and/or parents do not know how to safely use the Internet, do not believe in the use of technology, or are not mature enough to properly use the app and its features without offending their classmates. Since Class 123 allows students and parents to make comments that the entire class has access to an inappropriate learning environment to use this app would be one that has no rules and where the classmates do not respect one another.

Assuring that students and their parents have access to technology at home could modify this application. If this is not possible the app could be modified by providing those students and parents would do not have access to technology with a paper copy of announcements, behavior reports, and other things that they would miss out on without the access to the app. By doing this it would ensure that everyone has access to the same information whether they have technology access or not. This app could also be modified by teaching a lesson to your students about how to properly use the app for the purposes of the class and what consequences will take place if the identified rules are broken.

After learning about global digital citizenship I know a lot more about what needs to be considered when using technology within the classroom. I now know that it is extremely important to make sure that all students have equal accessibility to technology in order to make the usage of the it fair. I also know that it is the responsibility of the teacher to make sure that all students know how to safely use technology, that they know proper netiquette and that they are aware of what is and isn’t socially accessible when using technology. Within this it is important for teachers to create a set of rules for using technology in the classroom. Lastly, I learned that when using technology in the classroom the teacher needs to consider and integrate student’s cultural backgrounds.


  1. Paige,
    I agree that it is very important for teachers to ensure all students and parents have access to this resource. I think another option for parent updates would be using an app or website that sends out text reminders/updates to parents instead. I also agree that teachers should educate their students about internet safety and netiquette no matter what. Since students live in the digital age surrounded by technology they need to know how to protect their private information. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Paige,
    I agree that it is important to teach students how to be appropriate with the Internet, especially because Class 123 revolves around communicating to peers and parents through the Internet. I also agree that it is important for parents to know how to appropriately use the Internet because the students look up to their parents and if there are individuals who are not making mature or appropriate choices this may reflect on the students’ choices. Based on this reason, I also agree that the teacher should create lessons or have students be accountable for their actions if the students are not being appropriate with the technological resource. For an example, to limit behavioral problems with the technological resource could be to limit the use of this resource and modify the resource with limited communication on Class 123.

  3. After learning about Global Digital Citizenship I totally understand how a technology tool such as, Class 123 could present some issues when it comes to Equitable Access of Technology. As you mentioned Class 123 would require not only access for the students, but also access for the parents to keep up to date with their students academic updates. I also agree with you that it is essential for teachers to model appropriate usage of technology if using it in their classrooms. It is very important that teachers understand the importance of teaching students how to use technology appropriately when integrating it into your classroom. I am definitely glad we learned about the etiquette and proper usage of technology, this will benefit all future teacher since technology is only advancing and students are growing up around this new world surrounded by technology.
