Sunday, February 12, 2017

Technological Resource for the Classroom


When researching technology that can be used within the classroom I found many apps and games that stood out to me. However, the app that stood out to me the most was Class 123. This is an app with many uses that can be utilized by teachers, parents, and students. Clink the link to learn more!😊          


  1. Paige- I had never heard of Class 123 before, thank you for introducing me to it!! Your presentation was very interesting and kept my attention the whole time. I enjoyed how you kept the class engaged with Class 123 and had us try out the app. I will definitely be using this app on my class someday!


  2. Paige,

    I had never heard of Classroom 123 but I really enjoyed your presentation and the technology tool. I really liked the idea of parents being able to send wow's to their student by acknowledging something good that their child has done. It not only sets goals for the students but it helps the students stay on track and stay motivated. Great job on the presentation, and thank you for showing us this great tech tool.

  3. Paige,
    I like the differences between this and ClassDojo. Since teachers are limited the amount of praises they can give, this makes them evaluate carefully who needs the points. I like that parents receive messages about progress and they can let the teacher know about things happening at home. The additional tools are beneficial as well and I can see myself using them. Having a bulletin board post for nightly homework is great for everyone because it is all there in one place so no confusion. I honestly think I would use this to supplement my classroom management plan. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Paige,
    I loved your presentation on Class 123 as I had never heard of it before. I like that parents are able to have access to Class 123, and they are able to give at home wows to their students. Showing that they are doing their homework or behaving at home will give the students more wows and help the class to their goals! Great presentation! I look forward to possibly using this in my class!
