Monday, April 10, 2017

Micro Lesson #2 Reflection

  1. Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTask Standard # 9): Discuss the implementation process and describe.
    • What went well and what didn't go well during the implementation of your lesson?
      • During this lesson I feel like the things that went really well included: mastering the objective, teaching the parts of a bar graph, and making a bar graph as a class. Based upon the assessment at the end of my lesson each of my students mastered the objective with 100%. The direct instruction part of the lesson when I taught parts of the bar graph went very well because the students were all engaged, answered the questions and grasped the content very well. The things that didn’t go well were the song, 10 Little Butterflies, at the beginning of the lesson and I ran short on time. I feel like the song did not go as well as it could have because the students did not seem very engaged with the song and did not want to sing along. I ran a little short on time simply because my students were not actual 2nd graders. If I was actually teaching the lesson to 2nd graders it would have ran longer because the students would have taken longer to answer questions and complete the given activities.
    • How well was the alignment to objectives and standards maintained?
      • The standards and objectives were very clear throughout the entire lesson. The assessment given at the end of the lesson measured the skills outlined in both the standard and objectives perfectly.
    • Describe any modifications made during the implementation of the lesson.
      • The only modification I made throughout the implementation of this lesson was when collecting data for our class bar graph I had students vote multiple times. The reason I had the students vote multiple times is because I only taught the lesson to two students so we needed more data to make a meaningful graph.
  2. Mechanics:
    • What technologies did I use (for the teacher and the learner)?
      • Both the teacher and the students used their computers during this lesson.
    • How were the technologies used (by whom and in what manner)?
      • The teacher used the computer to show the sing along of the song, 10 Little Butterflies. She also used the computer to get to the Kids’ Zone website to show the students how to use the website to create a bar graph. The student’s used the computer to access the Kids’ Zone website to create their own bar graphs based upon the data they collected.  
    • My lesson was within the correct time frame?
      • My lesson was a little short simply because my lesson plan was designed for 2nd graders who would have needed more think time during the activities. Second grade students would have also taken more time to create the online bar graph because they wouldn’t be as familiar with the technology. 
  3. Assessment of Learning (InTask Standard # 6): Refer to Assessing Student Learning; attached in Blog Phase I
    • Include at least 2 digital artifacts that demonstrate what you or your students (peers) have created as a result of your lesson

      • Marie's Class Graph         

        • Shelby's Class Graph 

        • Marie's Individual Assignment 

      • Shelby's Individual Assignment 

    • Describe your students' level of success in achieving the standards and objectives for your lesson based on your assessment.
      • Both of my students mastered the skill of being able to create a bar graph and answer questions using their graph. They both received full points on their rubric for the individual assignment and participated fully in all of the activities.
    • Describe the level of success you had in teaching the lesson
      • How do your individual reflections support this?
        • I feel like my lesson was very successful. However, I should have explained how to make a bar graph online step by step instead of just summarizing how to do so. I should have also made sure that everyone was on the right part of the website to make their bar graph, so that the steps would have all matched the sample I did when explaining how to make a bar graph online. Even though the part of the lesson where the students made a bar graph online was a little confusing at first, everyone eventually grasped how to do it and made perfect bar graphs utilizing the online website.   
      • How do the comments from your classmates support this?
        • The comments from my classmates support this because they gave me all 5s on my survey. The only comment left by one classmate was that at first the Kids’ Zone website was a little confusing when trying to make a bar graph online. However, this person did comment that once I explained how to make the bar graph online for a second time that they really liked the activity and learned a lot from it.
  1. What did you learn from designing and teaching this lesson and how will you use this in the creation of future lessons/learning activities.
    • I learned that when creating future lessons and learning activities I need to make sure and provide extension activities for those students who finish early. I also learned that when using technology that the students have not used before that you need to explain how to use it in a step-by-step manner. For my next micro lesson I will make sure to incorporate higher level thinking activities to ensure that I take all of the allotted time. I also hope to incorporate technology into my next micro lesson that I have not used before.  

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