Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Philosophy of Education

  Philosophy of Education
My philosophy of education is that every individual is capable of learning if they are given the chance. Learning has to do with the access one has to knowledge that will help them to reach their fullest potential. Knowing this, as a teacher, I will make sure that children in my classroom are able to access the content I am teaching in a way that allows them to learn. Examples of ways that students will be able to access content in my classroom include: a hands on approach, technology, individual and group work. This individualized teaching approach is possible if appropriate student teacher relationships are built as soon as possible. These positive relationships will not only make it possible to meet the students learning needs, but will give me the chance to motivate and engage my students in their learning.

While the teacher’s role is to guide their students on this educational journey I also find it critical to allow students to take responsibility for their actions and make their own decisions when possible. In order for students to be able to take this responsibility on themselves it is important as a teacher to motivate students to meet their greatest potential. In order to do this I will engage my class by making the learning relatable to their lives outside of the classroom. It is also my job to create an environment where my students feel safe and know that they can come to me with anything. By doing this along with meeting each student’s individual learning needs I will be able to facilitate meaningful knowledge to each student. This meaningful knowledge will allow me to build a classroom of life long learners; students who will be ready to take on the world and reach their fullest potential in all ways possible.

Teaching not only gives me the opportunity to transform young minds, it also gives me the opportunity to become a life long learner myself. As I teach I hope to learn from my students and find new ways to instill success in every mind I teach. I will always strive to do my best when it comes to educating the bright minds of our future.

Image result for technology teaching pictures 

My Experiences Using Technology
Technology has been important throughout my life both as a student and a teacher. As a student I continuously gain new knowledge about technology since it is evolving so rapidly. In my early years of elementary school I took basic classes that taught me how to navigate and type on the computer. My later years of schooling have helped me to develop more knowledge and skills with various programs that have been introduced and used within my high school and college classes. As a preschool teacher and a previous kindergarten aid I have also had the opportunity to test out some of these technology skills within classrooms. I have used various computer systems to communicate with parents and record attendance and notes. Other examples of tech savvy programs that I have had practice using within classrooms include: a smart board, online academic games, and various assessments using technology.

Technology In my Future Classroom
In my own classroom technology will be utilized frequently. As the teacher I will utilize technology on a daily basis to take attendance, communicate with parents, and access my students information. Class Dojo is a program that I plan to look into further and possible use in my classroom daily. I also hope to have access to a class set of either laptops or I-pads in order to enhance my students learning opportunities. If this access is not available in my classroom I will still use technology by using an interactive smart board to play games and informally assess my students in an engaging way. These are just a few examples of ways that technology will be used in my classroom on a daily basis. I hope to learn many more ways to incorporate technology into my future classroom throughout the remainder of my schooling.